Halfway around the world from Jackson ONeils Los Angeles home lies Kasai, an untouched and unexplored rainforest deep in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. For nearly a century, legends have abounded of strange creatures living in the forest. And to this day, locals claim to have seen frightening, prehistoric creatures from time to time.
It is into this new world that Jackson leads a scientific team of four. As a cryptozoologist, Jackson investigates the existence of legendary and extinct creaturesand what better place to go than Kasai, a true primordial forest.
But Jackson isnt the only one venturing to Kasai. There is another interested in the region, a man with sinister intentionsand an axe to grind. Can Jackson stand up against Dr. Scott Lawrences attempts to destroy Kasai? Can he protect his new discoveries from Lawrences evil, money-grubbing, power-hungry intentions? And can Jackson and his small, unarmed team defeat Lawrences massive mercenary army?
Kasai, untouched for thousands of years, becomes a battleground as Jackson and his team struggle to defend its creaturesthought for so long to be extinctfrom true extinction.
About the Author
Brian Wood is a high school student in LaPine, Oregon, who has always been a good storyteller. He loves dinosaurs and is passionate about showing the world the importance of conservation. He has twice participated in the People to People Student Ambassador Program. He enjoys writing stories, cryptozoology, wildlife conservation, and ecology.
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Published: 2010
Page Count: 240