Just To Die
Brieanne Dontiey has always led a sheltered life, having no inclination of her father's mysterious business dealings. However, after returning to her hometown, she becomes romantically involved with Jake Gandolfini, the assistant district attorney in charge of investigating her father's ties to organized crime; her life is drastically changed forever. As the story unfolds, Brieanne is drawn deeper and deeper into a web of lies and deceit. Torn between her love for her father, Frank, and her love for Jake, Brieanne is forced to realize the horrible truth about the crimes committed by the people she has trusted all her life. When Brieanne is kidnapped, she is thrown into a world of intrigue from which there is no escape; she is caught between Jake and one of her father's many vengeful enemies in a violent, deadly situation. Will Frank and Jake work together to save her? Or will their rivalry spell disaster for everyone involved?
About the Author
In writing Just to Die, Anjel Kaye hopes to reach out to women who find themselves in abusive situations from which they feel there is no escape. Having been fortunate enough to have worked with women in these situations, she understands the hardships one faces to begin a new life. She currently works as a freelance writer in her new hometown, Fort Collins, Colorado, where she hopes to continue her work and focus on helping abused women and children. Just to Die is the first of many novels to come.
Published: 2003
Page Count: 218