Journey With JC

By Tosca Lenci
Regular price $21.00

Practically, psychologically, and philosophically, Journey With JC is autotheory—challenging dominant theoretical perspective and framework, through subjective and autobiographical material. Its intent—far from eros!—is the hope of contributing to an open, objective science and related psychology and physiology of the force of Nature’s procreation that brings us humans here and determines most of our lives. Besides boasting an extensive bibliography, Journey embraces several of the list of categories: a woman of patriarchal eras, a fully serving domestic and working-wife-and-mother, explored science, psychology and physiology; yogically practiced philosophy toward ratiocination of self-improvement, travel, romance, and humor.


About the Author

Tosca Lenci’s family responsibilities and caregiving the past couple of decades has diminished community involvement. In the long-past Lenci had begun a Girl Scout troop when living in Davis, California. In more recent years she took part in Sonoma writers and poetic groups.

Lenci’s “hobbies” have included visual art, as developed for covers and illustrations of various works (see at website). Special interests as time allows development have been study and writings in three primary arenas which altogether embrace human civilization—the Cosmos, Judaism, and Christianism religious history, particularly inclusive of all females. Family always had been first of Lenci’s care and efforts and time. As a homemaker, there was much sewing of family wearing apparel and anything needed which could be self-made and could be created in gardens. With the exception of two years of college, all education necessary for various writings was acquired through independent scholarship, abetted by “amanuensis” skills used both in life employment at all levels of government.

Published: 2024
Page Count: 272

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