I'm Not Scared To Get A Shot

By Maryann Buetti-Sgouros, M.D.
Regular price $24.00

Being scared to get a shot or vaccine is a very common childhood fear. A pediatrician who is a former scaredy-cat herself has created I’m Not Scared to Get a Shot to help kids to overcome it with a smile and make that fear disappear. This book can inspire readers to be brave and at ease with this very common procedure.

About the Author

Maryann Buetti-Sgouros, MD is a practicing pediatrician in New York and currently the pediatric department chair at Northern Westchester Hospital in Mount Kisco, New York. She has three children of her own and many she has the pleasure of taking care of on a daily basis. She loves to play piano and has been known to sing with her patients to distract them while getting vaccines. She is an avid cook and loves to share nutritious food, positive vibes, and heartfelt laughter with others.

Published: 2021
Page Count: 34