I Am A Woman, Hear My Roar!
All women are virtuous women, and women must know we are important in the Kingdom of God, fighting a spiritual battle that cannot be ignored.
Such battles are to be wonand can be wonwhile we depend on God for protection and providence. The strength and wisdom of a woman in her divine assignment do not come from herself but from God. We have afflictions, suffering, and trials, but God has given us the victory.
Then stand up and roar, woman, like the lioness you are!
About the Author
Although she was born in New York State and earned her A. A. degree from Tallahassee Community College in Florida, Marie Clay now lives in Indianapolis, Indiana, where she is a prayer warrior, an intercessor, a watchman of soulsa minister at the New Life Community Church of Truth.
After twenty years in the United States Army as an ammunition inspector, Marie Clay retired in 1995. She is a charter member of the Womens Military Service of America Memorial Foundation in Washington, D.C., and a Gulf War/Desert Shield/Desert Storm veteran. A feature story about her appeared in Veterans Spotlight, The Gulf News (a veterans publication), March 1998, Vol. II, issue 6. It took Gods strength and power to heal me from the Gulf War Syndrome, she says. And only through him, Im still standing!
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Published: 2008
Page Count: 44