History Of Kanelly, Roache, Pike, Baskas, Barry: Pioneers And Generation 1

By Richard S. Baskas, Ed.D.
Regular price $39.00

History of Kanelly, Roache, Pike, Baskas, Barry chronicles the history of Richard Baskas’ paternal mother's side of the family, who were Irish, including as many family members as possible. This book started from scratch, as Richard had no idea how to get started in genealogy. He and his brother grew up in another family, and they had always wondered who was in their family and who they were related to. He has spent many years trying to find what information he could to connect all the dots. This particular version of this history is composed of many newspaper articles that were never included in other versions. Learn all about this family tree and how Richard and his family are all connected!

About the Author

Richard S. Baskas, Ed.D., is an Air Force partially disabled veteran who served as a firefighter and 911 dispatcher. He spent many of those years volunteering in the community and helping primary schools with their students. His only hobby is genealogy, as he has a few books published. He learned this craft from scratch but is not certified.

Richard has an undergraduate degree in Biology, an MA in Teaching Science, and an Ed.D. in Adult Education. He has spent many years teaching, from military airmen to prison inmates.

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Published: 2023
Page Count: 140