Heart Adventures With Puppygirl: Wrinkle Twinkle
Heart Adventures with PuppyGirl: Wrinkle Twinkles
PuppyGirl has many friends in many different shapes and sizes, but Wrinkle Twinkles—people who have been alive for many years—are her favorite! Along with her BigBestFriend and JesusSaviorFriend, PuppyGirl visits these special friends and learns about some of the memories they hold dear.
The Heart Adventures with PuppyGirl series is written to promote “together life” between children and their “BigBestFriend.” PuppyGirl is endearing as she experiences adventures of the heart with her BigBestFriend and JesusSaviorFriend, who is always with them to explain how the adventure is pleasing to God’s heart and that His love and grace is to be shared with others.
About the Author
Barbara A. Johns is a retired nurse, having spent 33 years in the field. She began writing the Heart Adventures with PuppyGirl series while travelling from Pennsylvania to California with her constant companion, Abby, a registered therapy dog and inspiration for PuppyGirl. In addition to writing, Johns is a public speaker, promoting love and Jesus in an effort to make the world a better place and less scary for children as they face challenges in today’s world. She also enjoys writing poetry and ballroom dancing.
Published: 2005
Page Count: 32