God's Affirmative Action Plan For Man
The races of men are equal, but not the same. This is not by chance, but part of Gods plan, of His divine purpose to fulfill the needs of humanity, a plan that started with the words of Noah in Genesis 9:24-27. This is not a curse, but a prophecy, an utterance that defines the roles of Noahs sons and their descendants. Dr. Lonnie J. Johnson not only explores the roles of the sons of Noah throughout history, he relates each of the three synoptic gospels to a son of Noah, putting forth the proposition that each one in its style and message is directed at a different race. With this revolutionary approach, Dr. Johnson demonstrates that we all have an equal role in Gods plan, to partake equally in the central refrain of Scripture salvation!
About the Author
Lonnie J. Johnson Jr. holds bachelors and masters degrees in pastoral ministry and a doctorate in religious studies. He and his wife, Grace, have raised four children. A resident of Detroit, Dr. Johnson enjoys golf and Bible study. He is the associate pastor of Open Door Bible Fellowship, where he ministers under his pastor, Ananias Holland. His previous book, Just Like Us: The Real Biblical Story of the Fall of the Black Race, is also available from Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc.
Published: 2005
Page Count: 140