Global Warming?: Understanding Climate Change By Monitoring The Atmosphere
Global Warming? represents the culmination of a lifetime of work to better understand the atmosphere. The constituents of the atmosphere are a type of "fingerprint" and being able to measure the molecules at different levels will help us to understand the dynamic nature of the system. This could then inform policies and decision-making about human activities that may influence climate change.
About the Author
Dr. Stephen T. Hanley is an atmospheric physicist. He is now retired after more than forty-five years of experience in the realm of international physics. Although retired, he continues to explore the field and specializes in atmospheric transmission and optical systems. Dr.Hanley received his PhD from the University of Washington in Seattle in 1973. Afterwards, he served as a senior scientist with the radiation branch at the US Naval Research Laboratory and as an optical research scientist for United Technologies Optical Systems (UTOS). His measurements supported the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Teal Onyx program on the Air Force Maui Optical Station's (AMOS) 1.6 meter telescope. He went on to be the originator of US Patent 9,335,258B2, May 10, 2016 for a system and method of monitoring the constituents of the atmosphere. In addition to his scientific interests, Dr.Hanley is an accomplished clarinetist. He is married and enjoys traveling and the beautiful scenery of Montana and the Pacific Northwest.
Published: 2020
Page Count: 32