Glance Back, Look Ahead: Seize The Moment
Even the poor dream they will leave their mark in the sands of time. This book is about us, Hazel B. Simms proudly states in the introduction to Glance Back, Look Ahead: Seize the Moment, her memoirs detailing her many relationships, the ups and downs of her life, and her extensive travels. Combining major events with fond memories and everyday descriptions, Hazel B. Simms paints a colorful and vivid picture of growing up with racism, poverty, and the desire to rise above her modest means. Her devotion to her religion and her family helped her endure the difficult times and enjoy the prosperous ones. As a pastor's wife, she discovered the true nature of people, and when her husband passed away, she again had to be strong and independent. Her inspiring story of determination and survival provides hope, humor, and words of encouragement as Hazel B. Simms leaves her own mark on the world.
About the Author
A native of Centralia, Illinois, Hazel B. Simms now lives in Salisbury, North Carolina. She is a retired seamstress and a participant in a federal foster grandparent program, and she has five children: Sharon, Coleen, M.J., Paulette, and Jina. When asked what prompted her to write this book, she said, "I started writing this manuscript the year my husband was dying from cancer. During that time, I reflected on my life as a minister's wife as well as on my entire life." In addition to writing, she also enjoys reading and poetry.
Published: 2008
Page Count: 116