Fifty Years A Doctor

By Dr. Ronald Halweil
Regular price $15.00

Every new medical advance seems to be paired with a loss of older wisdom, but this rush to eliminate the old in favor of the new causes needless suffering and premature death. Over his fifty-plus-year career as a medical and surgical practitioner, Dr. Ronald Halweil has seen these changes firsthand. In this book, Dr. Halweil recounts his experiences as a student, his insights as a practitioner, and his personal search for the nature of health and disease.

About the Author

Dr. Ronald Halweil was born in Brooklyn, New York on a steamy summer solstice afternoon in 1942. He grew up near Ebbets Field, home of the Brooklyn Dodgers, and attended primary, secondary, and graduate schools within a few miles of his birthplace. Dr. Halweil has practiced medicine and surgery for more than fifty years.

Dr. Halweil respects the importance of family and love and considers them indispensable to good health. He is proud to be married for almost fifty years to his beautiful wife, and together they have two beautiful children and four grandchildren. Regular exercise is another important part of Dr. Halweil’s life, and he loves to hike, explore and forage in natural settings, which includes his lifelong passion for fishing. Dr. Halweil also draws, photographs and paints, and his favored subjects are the sun, faces, and natural landscapes.


"This book is a must read! The stories are very well written and understandable, with compassion and sincerity! You will enjoy and learn something on every page! I am highly recommending this book! Good health Thoughtful Israel
Also we give it a 5 star review
Fifty years a Doctor by Dr. Ronald Halweil"

Thoughtful Israel

Published: 2022
Page Count: 130