Dying To Be Married: The Journey from Head to Heart

By Dr. T. Latrice
Regular price $20.00

Dying to Be Married details Dr. T. Latrice’s journey to self-love. Self-love is the one thing they tell us to do, but no one tells us how to do it. The journey of self-love is really an inside job and you owe it to yourself to take the journey. On her journey, she was determined to love a man to wholeness, all while dying herself. She wanted him to want her, and he needed her to need him. Their relationship was toxic, but that was all they knew. So, they made it look good. She remembers being told to “fake it, till you make it.” Who comes up with this nonsense? No one told her that self-sacrifice in order to be loved is merely codependence.

Later, she ran away from the “bad” feelings, from pain, but this pain to self-love held her still. She learned to honor the pain, and what came next was a private, sacred journey. Her story is one of self-growth and an inspirational tale for anyone finding themselves stuck in a toxic relationship, whether romantic, familial, or a friendship, that there is hope. Change and growth within are still possible. May you learn you are enough, and let everything you do be done in love.

About the Author

Dr. T. Latrice (Tiffany Latrice Graham) is a proud Appalachian State University graduate. GO Mountaineers! She holds a MA in Clinical Counseling from Webster University and a PhD in Human Services with a concentration in Family Studies and Intervention Strategies from Walden University. Dr. Latrice has over twenty years of experience in helping others transform their lives. She is the owner of The Lighter Side Counseling Center, where her motto is “Discover the Light in YOU.”

Dr. Latrice loves animals (especially dogs). She lost her furbaby Noodles of seventeen years in 2020. She is a proud self-proclaimed honorary grandmother to the sweetest little boy in the world, Devon. Both Devon and Noodles have shown her the potential of her heart and have increased her capacity to love. Devon teaches her daily and guides her on a playful path of joy.

Dr. Latrice is a native of North Carolina and loves nature and naps. She also loves the beach and cupcakes. When she is not helping others, you will find her reading, somewhere outdoors, spending time with her family, or napping.

Published: 2022
Page Count: 64