Christians In Business
By Linda Griffin
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In todays world of business, where people are more concerned about getting to the top without regard to how they get there or who they hurt along the way, Christians in Business is a simple guide to follow in order to maintain a Christ-like character and atmosphere in the business arena. This application of the Ten Commandments serves as a moral compass to finding achievement and satisfaction in the workplace as either an employee or an employer.
About the Author
Linda Griffin was born in Dallas, Texas. She has attended various schools of higher education, including the Cornerstone Theological Seminary in Baytown, Texas; Houston Community College; and the University of Houston, where she received a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in English and a minor in Spanish. She also received her degree of Juris Doctor from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law-Cleveland State University in Cleveland, Ohio. She spends her free time writing and reading in both English and Spanish. The author makes her home in Friendswood, Texas.ISBN:
Published: 2007
Page Count: 32