Christian Poetry For You
Following the death of her husband, Ruby Bilderback was lost. She felt she needed guidance. And she asked the Lord for help in finding a purpose in life. Since that time she has been spending much time writing poetry. Ms. Bilderbacks first published collection, Chrisitan Poetry for You, is a valiant effort. Including various religious experiences, she stresses that God is everywhere in the checkout lane, in the fast lane, even in the directions.
About the Author:
The author is a senior citizen of western central Illinois. After her husband's demise in the fall of 99, she became very ill and confined to her small apartment. She prayed daily for God to give her purpose for life, and one day poetry began to rush through her conscious mind. She has written over 400 poems since then, all of them Christian in nature and meant to glorify God and bless His people. Feeling she hasn't done enough to serve her God, she is thankful that He is giving her this opportunity.
Published: 2002
Page Count: 32