Building Up Our Children's Self-Esteem

By Anthony Leroy Sutton: Psychologist/Teacher
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While working with children in the Swedish school system and visiting the students in the Finnish school system, author Anthony Leroy Sutton was able to make a comparison with them to the lower socio-economical groups in the United States of America, who have not brought psychological slavery to closure. He hopes the reader will understand and appreciate that our future relies and depends on the educational level of our children’s understanding of who they can become and who they will be competing with in the future.

Building Up Our Children’s Self-Esteem will help improve the circumstances in which our children’s ability to learn is enhanced by improving how they see themselves.

About the Author

Anthony Leroy Sutton was raised in the Midwest. He attended the University of Minnesota, where he earned a BA in psychology.

During the 1970s, he lived in Sweden and received his MA from the University of Stockholm. He worked with the Stockholm educational system as a school psychologist and developed a program for preschoolers to help build their self-esteem. He was in private practice as an industrial psychologist and was a member of the Swedish Psychology Union.

When he returned to the United States in the 1980s, he continued his work with children as an educational consultant and developed curriculum for several vocational school systems.

Sutton currently resides in Burnsville, Minnesota.

Published: 2018
Page Count: 138