Blood Runs Thicker

By Keegan Kennedy
Regular price $20.00

Blood Runs Thicker follows the perspectives of both Amber Roberts and Matthew Hawkes as they take the same journey. Both try to complete their tasks as they see the world and share their stories. Join them as they try to survive and protect themselves and each other from a world that has devolved into chaos during the zombie apocalypse.

About the Author

Keegan Kennedy enjoys playing games on his computer for days at a time. His girlfriend and other friends describe him as an extroverted hermit. He is a self-proclaimed nerd who runs Dungeons and Dragons Campaigns for friends. Keegan uses writing as an outlet to express his imagination and to satisfy his urge to tell stories to the world. He has six siblings, and his family is spread out in Texas, Florida, Scotland, and Australia.

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Published: 2023
Page Count: 266