Black Girls Do Cry
Black Girls Do Cry: Battered But Not Broken
Black Girls Do Cry: Battered But Not Broken is author Shante D. Lowe’s life story. It takes place from 1977-2012 and starts in Oakland to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she traveled. Her vision for this book is to empower other women who are going abuse. She hopes her story will uplift them toward getting out of their toxic situations or move towards getting out.
About the Author
Author Shante D. Lowe loves to inspire and help people. Everything she does in her life is to help other people. Her hobbies are reading, writing, and recording music. She currently has fourteen songs recorded. The song that is dedicated to this book is called “Free Yourself”.
Ms. Lowe is also interested in throwing events for battered women and childrenand helping the community. Her goal is to help women get motivated and live the best lives they can. She currently works as a hair stylist and caregiver.
Published: 2021
Page Count: 54