Between Two Covers: Poems Given To Me By God
When God calls, the faithful soul listens andin Terry Billetters casewrites down the message. With inspiring poems such as Perfection, Breath of Life, and Everything of Beauty, Terry Billetter shares the uplifting words of God to brighten up ones spirit and lighten the burdens of ones heart.
Between Two Covers: Poems Given to Me by God is a decades worth of writing poetry as an expression of spiritual devotion and to share the message of the Lordwhich is a God-given mission Terry Billetter is more than willing to fulfill.
About the Author
Terry Billetter has been writing poems for over a decade; she now has more than 100 titles under her nameall of which came and hold a message from God. Several of her poems have also been published over the years. She is an active member of the Bible Study Fellowship and also volunteers at another church in her hometown.
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Published: 2014
Page Count: 126