Being Just Me, Myself, And I!
Being Just Me, Myself, and I! is a collection of poems made just for little kids to teach them to learn to be themselves and enjoy growing up. Ainsley A. Cheng has written these poems that all relate to different aspects of childhood whether its about the first day of school, wearing glasses, or having different talents, all these things have to do with being a kid while taking small steps into adulthood. Ainsleys experience with young children inspired her to write this collection of poems, which includes pieces such as The First Day of Kindergarten and Im Too Cool for My Glasses. This wonderful collection inspires children to know they are special, to be who they want to be, and to never let anyone tell them differently.
About the Author
Ainsley A. Cheng is a seventeen-year-old high school student from Irvine, California, who plans to graduate in June of 2006. Other than writing prose and poetry, Ainsleys interests include playing the flute and the piano, cross-country, dancing, and drawing. This is her first published book.
Published: 2006
Page Count: 32