Becoming Millionaires: A Collection Of True Stories

By Tammy Johnson
Regular price $9.00
Anyone who has ever bought a lottery ticket (and thats a lot of us) has thought about it: Who wins the state lotteries? Whats it like to go from poverty or even destitution to extraordinary wealth? Tammy Johnson presents the true stories of over fifty ordinary people who suddenly found themselves multimillionaires. Some went on spending sprees, even to getting arrested; some delighted in being able to give freely to the charities they had never been able to support before. Many of them discovered crowds of long-lost relatives and barely remembered buddies. Some continue to buy lottery tickets as they always have even though they will never need money again. A few even refuse adamantly to permit their new money to change their lives at all. Nevertheless, almost all have found their lives profoundly changed. Each story is accompanied by a carefully chosen, appropriate scriptural passage that illuminates the moment of sudden wealth.

Published: 2006
Page Count: 88