Armored To Wings Of Eagles: A Soldier’S Story

By James K. Killett
Regular price $36.00

Read a slice of American life. A man enters the military and fights for his country. During his time in the service, he falls in love and starts a family. Leading a rich and full life, his adventures range from war stories to meeting Marilyn Monroe.

Based on the recorded interviews of Lt. Col. Ernest B. Killett, follow his military career from World War II to the end of his life. Learn about this honorable life in Armored to Wings of Eagles: A Soldier’s Story: Memoirs of Lt. Col. Ernest B. Killett, U.S. Army: A Story about the Life and Military Career of Killett.

About the Author

James. K. Killett, the youngest son of Ernest B. and Hazel D. Killett, was born in September, 1949, in Munich, Germany. An avid camper, hiker, and backpacker, his real passion was scouting, which began in Germany continued throughout his life.

In 1973, Killett and his wife, Diane, both graduated from Auburn University. His first job after graduating was in Waynesboro, Virginia, working for DuPont. Now retired, Killett is working again on a part-time contract basis.

Killett has been happily married for forty-six years. He found the Catholic Church and our Lord through his wife and has gone on to become a Knight of Columbus. He considers his three children and three grandchildren his most exciting adventure in life.

Published: 2005
Page Count: 32