Annie's Enchanted Years

By Hilda Adams
Regular price $19.00

Annie’s Enchanted Years: Glorious Years of a Teenager’s Life

Anne’s Enchanted Years is based on Hilda Rodrigue Adams’ daughter who, from the age of five to thirty-three, was an exciting, fun, adventurous journey for her. This book is intended to stir emotions in the reader with happiness, joy, courage, and a feeling of enchantment.

About the Author

Hilda Rodrigue Adams was born in 1944, a native of Louisiana and a resident of Pennsylvania. Her accomplishments and achievements have been many throughout the years. Although this is her first book, she is thinking of proceeding with following books about Annie.

Hilda has a Bachelor of Arts in Education, a Master’s in Education, and over thirty hours of study in education & psychology.

Published: 2021
Page Count: 54