An E.R. Doc's Life
An emergency room doctor both has to and gets to experience all of life’s problems and has to try to treat them. It goes from minor and ordinary to life-threatening and death. It covers all the fields of medicine from pediatrics and geriatrics, infectious, cancerous, psychiatric, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urologic, skeletal, immunological as well as legal family issues. It’s a busy, chaotic line of work, but very fulfilling. Follow the remarkable true stories of the emergency room and the myriad of experiences you can encounter when you live, An E.R. Doc’s Life.
About the Author
Richard W. Wolfe, D.O., had an amazing event occur in 1988. Two optometrists came to his office one day, wanting to buy it. They had lost their lease on a space in a nearby mall. Wolfe had been in general practice for ten years and made rounds at three hospitals: delivering babies, assisting surgery on his patients, making nursing home visits, and dealing with the business aspects of patients’ insurance, being an employer and maintaining an office. He gave them a price (high), and they accepted it. A family practice physician soon offered to buy all his clients and a family practice resident about to finish his residency bought all his equipment. Wolfe had been contacted by several E.R. contract companies and thus started 33 years of E.R. work, which he has thoroughly enjoyed. He was part of seeing E.R. work go from moonlighting into real medicine, as it is today.
Published: 2025
Page Count: 106