Amazing Adventures: Me And Mommy

By Jaylah Sine Vika Mercredi
Regular price $25.00

The mind of a five-year-old flits to new topics constantly, and here in Amazing Adventures we share in that feeling as Jaylah Sine Vika Mercredi takes us along on her adventures. She reminds us that even the littlest of moments in her young life can mean BIG things for her. Originally written on sticky notes, Jaylah’s journey is now cataloged in print for all the world to read, and to inspire other children like her to share their own stories.

About the Author

Jaylah Sine Vika Mercredi, five, is a member of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation in northern Alberta, Canada. Jaylah is K’ai Taile Dene, which means “people of the land of the willow.” She is learning her Dene language at school and with her family. Jaylah travels the lands with her dad every season to gain new skills and knowledge. She loves to learn, and her mind is always thinking about words, numbers, and creative play. She loves unicorns, math, and music. When she grows up, Jaylah hopes to become a doctor and a mommy.

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Published: 2023
Page Count: 54