Adelante! Achieving "The American Dream"

By Mara Jimnez Pea Tonkiss
Regular price $15.00

Recollections of Mother I can still hear her saying, Adelante, Mara! Never go backward, only forward, Mara! In 1920, Esperanza, sixteen, an abused orphan, penniless and alone, ventured from her birthplace, Vieques, Puerto Rico, to New York to embark on a new life. In the face of murder, prejudice and betrayal her tenacity, sacrifices and hopes enabled her and her descendants to achieve The American Dream.

About the Author:

Mara was born on Long Island, New York, and has spent her professional life there. She taught Spanish for thirty-one years in the Patchogue-Medford School District and was an adjunct professor of Dowling College. Retired, she enjoys driving her 1930 Model A Roadster. This is Mara's first book. Adelante! was going to be a memoir for her children, but it has taken on a life of its own. It has become her retirement Adventure: making presentations using her mother's biography to encourage troubled multiethnic students and people in general to make the right choices above all, never give up on your hopes and dreams. She lives on Long Island, volunteers at Southside Hospital, Bay Shore, and travels extensively. She is a member of The Round Table at Stony Brook University and The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.


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Published: 2006
Page Count: 132