Adam's Trip
Adam Strong didnt start out as a captain of industry. In fact, he started out as a hungry, homeless runaway, washing dishes in a diner for bare meals. But Adam had a goalhe wanted to work in radio and later in the as-yet-unknown world of electronics.
Getting there involved, first, years in the military and then, college on the G.I. Bill. Now retired, Adam tells a young newspaper reporter all about his journey to the top of his chosen field.
About the Author
After six years in the in the military (OCS, Flying School, single- and multi-engine aircraft) and thirty-one years as a senior engineer at Eastman Kodak, Charles M. Judd retired to Florida. But he didnt quite have enough to do, even with his interests in photography, travel, genealogy, and history, so he became a part-time hospital volunteer in 1996 at the age of seventy-eight, and hes been volunteering ever since.
Life is a great adventure, says Judd, if one is prepared for it with a positive attitude toward fellow humans.It is interesting to imagine oneself stepping into place in the story. How would one have done in the fictitious spot?
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Published: 2009
Page Count: 114