A Walk in the Dark: A Personal Account of the Alzheimer's Journey
About the Author
The author resides in Ohio with her husband, and was fortunate to be able to retire from her profession in order to complete the actual walk with her father. The actual walk for C. L. LaBuda took about five years. Upon completion of that journey, she set out on a new quest, from caregiver to advocate. After doing some research into various aspects of support organizations, she settled into a position on the board of a local Alzheimer’s Network, hosting events and leading caregiver support groups in three cities. It was not until several years later that “A Walk in the Dark” became an idea. Because, what better way to prepare someone for a journey, than to give them a book which details the path and the challenges they face? She continues to volunteer to this day with the hope of making the journeys of others easier.
Published: 2024
Page Count: 212