A Summary Of The Holy Bible Paraphrased
Ive known Elder Yvonne English for over twenty years, and I have found her to be a remarkable person. Possessing a tremendous amount of integrity, patience, and a deep love for the Word of God, she has and continues to mentor me with wisdom from the Lord. With her love for humanity and an unquenchable desire to work for the Almighty, Elder English has combined her biography with humor and biblical scriptures for all to enjoy. Although challenged at a young age, she was determined to live a full and rewarding life. Her strategy was to use her stumbling blocks as her stepping-stones. Thus, her setbacks were a setup, for a major comeback. One may say I only make these claims because shes my godmother, but on the contrary, because they are true. Theres no denying: Elder English is a gem of a lady.
In her book, she has given an overview of Genesis through Revelation, which includes all sixty-six books from the first dispensation (Edenic) to the last dispensation (Messianic). With a unique combination of her testimonies, past and present desires, and Gods unfailing love, Elder English wrote an awesome book. The sole purpose of this manuscript is to minister to the readers in the hope of bringing them closer to their Creator.
Enoch was a man in the Old Testament who did not taste death because he walked with God. You dont have to be a famous TV evangelist to be a great servant in the sight of Godsimply humble. Come and read for yourself the journey of the life of one of Gods greatest servant. This easy-to-read book will capture your attention for hours to come. Its filled with references you can use repeatedly, which will better equip you for your lifes journey.
The central theme of these pages on sacred writ is the urgency of those outside the ark of safety to come in while there is still time, for the Savior to lift them out of darkness into His Majestic light. Two great desires Elder English adheres to since coming to Jesus are (1) to live so that others can see Christ in her life and (2) to introduce others to the Lord.
God bless, and may heaven smile upon is my prayer!
- Cynthia V. Stevens, Evangelist/MissionaryUsually ships in 4-5 business days.
Published: 2010
Page Count: 210