A Seal Fascination At Sea: A Fascinating Seal
A Seal Fascination at Sea is a captivating and playful story about Ebony, a brave and friendly seal with excellent swimming and water acrobatic and aerobic skills. Follow her journey as she urges her friends, Puffie, Turtia, Franie, Fifi, and Perl, to go on an incredible adventure in the high seas. But when something terrible and unforeseen happens to Perl, the little pink crab, Ebony must prove her heroism and unconditional love to save her fragile friend. Lessons in timely love, togetherness, friendship, and listening are explored in this hilarious and dynamic tale of an extraordinary seal and her lifelong friends.
About the Author
Goomatie Sue-A-Quan is fifty-six years old and South-American born and has two adult children of her own, Abigale and Benison. She has a wealth of knowledge compiled from her past life of which she is sharing from her current eleven publications. In addition to writing, she enjoys hair dressing, sewing, photography, boating, mountain climbing, farming, cooking, saving manuscripts, yoga, and transmeditation. She is currently in the process of publishing other works. Part of the proceeds from the sale of the authors books worldwide will be used to support the GOOMATIE-SUE-A-QUAN WORLD FOUNDATION INC., A NONPROFIT GOOD SAMARITAN FOUNDATION SET UP TO ASSIST VICTIMS OF NATURAL DISASTERS WORLDWIDE.
Published: 2008
Page Count: 38