A Forged Report Card
Jack forged his report card. He lied to his mom. Ever since, Jack has been feeling guilty. Your mom will never know the difference, said Jacks friend, Bobby. But will she find out? Jack must learn to tell the truth even when he does not want to. In this charming tale depicting an important childhood lesson, Stephanie Nicolas demonstrates how all children will be faced with difficult decisions in their lives, both in and out of school. In addition, A Forged Report Card is also for parents who may not know how to react to their childrens decisions, but want to show them love no matter what the outcome.
About the Author
Stephanie Nicolas has been a resident of Jericho Gardens, New York, for eight years. The inspiration for her book comes from observing students in her school whose behavior displayed no concern for their education or even their own values. Ms. Nicolas enjoys reading, writing, singing, and collecting pens.
Published: 2004
Page Count: 32