A Cookbook With Survival Guide Tips

By Susan Kay Gericke and Chef Roger Hoffman
Regular price $19.00

A Cookbook with Survival Guide Tips by Susan Kay Gericke is not your ordinary cookbook. The concept of this book is to use basic food skills to help the young adults of today learn organizational skills, not only to turn their lives around, but also to use as a tool for teaching their own children necessary skills before they enter the world on their own. Hence, the inspiration to write this book was conceived. It draws on the author's personal encounter with just such a young adult facing these very issues. The author not only provides some delicious recipes, but also some very helpful tips on time-saving, organization, food handling safety, and shopping. There is one particularly enlightening section called "Did You Know You Can?" where she details some really creative ways to take some of the frustration out of certain food prep chores. This is a book not only for the novice, but even the experienced cook will find something new.

About the Author

Susan Kay Gericke is a full blood Ojibwa Native Indian, born and raised in Iowa as one of ten children, who learned early how to grow food, keep their homes clean and organized, and with their strong family values, help others help themselves.

She enjoyed learning, and felt privileged to continue her education after high school. She later became a foster parent to eleven special needs children, after raising four children of her own, an experience for which she is grateful.

In addition to handcrafts and singing opera, the author enjoys working to help special needs children receive support dogs.

Chef Roger Hoffman was born in Austin, Minnesota. He served in the Air Force from 1967-1971 and is a Vietnam Veteran. From 1976 through 2010 he was chef and assistant manager for the Hungry Tiger Restaurants in California and Arizona. In 1991, Chef Hoffman began working for the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections where he was in charge of the Culinary Department of Adobe Mountain School. Over his 16 years there, he taught some 8,000+ youth how to cook, which he truly enjoyed.

He has been in food service, a chef, and a teacher for over 38 years and was a tremendous help to Susan while writing this cookbook.

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Published: 2015
Page Count: 306