Lettuce Man
In the Plantae Kingdom, all the fruit, vegetable and spice plants work together in harmony to provide a healthy diet for the humans of Humansville. However, when Mr. Tastebud arrives in Humansville and starts selling the humans non-plant-based, unhealthy items, the humans quickly become addicted to poor quality food and begin to fall ill. It’s up to Lettuce Man and his A-Team to save the day!
Lettuce Man is an important reminder to everyone that some illnesses can be cured through healthy eating. Don’t let Mr. Tastebud lead you astray!
About the Author
Mico Spencer Scott, who started singing and playing piano at ages three and five, respectively, has experienced a successful music career, allowing her travels abroad to Japan, and the opportunity to reside on the island of Guam for many years.
Aside from her musical accomplishments, she has developed an appreciation for plant- based foods. In fact, her initial introduction to the importance of healthy eating was sparked as a teenager, when a doctor suggested healthy foods to cure her mother from high blood pressure. Because of the devastation she experienced during her mother’s illness, and the hope to see her loved one/mentor well again, she began pursuing homeopathic medicines.
During this quest, she acquired work in a health food store, which afforded her more knowledge regarding natural foods. Later on, her travels to Japan further inspired her to consume fruits and vegetables daily, and also to drink green tea after meals, to promote intestinal cleansing. In fact, since that time, she has created a concoction of ginger tea that she drinks following meals. Additionally, she has developed several plant-based recipes and plans to share them in her next book.
As of recent, she has been working in the elementary education field, and wrote this book to inspire children to eat fruits and vegetables. However, she encourages people of all ages to read Lettuce Man to gain more insight and inspiration for nutritious consumption, thereby promoting a healthier, wholesome society.
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Published: 2022
Page Count: 52