Funny Honey: A Gifted Dog

By Elizabeth A. Hann
Regular price $20.00

About the Book

This humorous, heartwarming memoir chronicles the story of Betty and Lou as they set out with positive resolve and absolute determination to find a puppy, raise it with great love in their hearts, train it to the best of their abilities, and have the dog of their dreams. The story begins with the events that brought them to purchase Honey as a puppy in the first place. The story describes the comical events, the unforeseen mishaps and the outlandish adventures throughout Honey’s lifetime as Fate, Destiny, and Lady Luck have an extraordinary influence on the outcome of Betty and Lou’s original plan.

About the Author

Elizabeth A. Hann lives in New England with her newest rescue dog. She loves to travel, especially to the National Parks, and has visited many popular areas along the East Coast from Maine to Florida as well as many locations throughout the South, Midwest and Western states. She spends her free time reading, swimming, and walking. Her favorite pastime is horseback riding along the trails and ocean shores of Narragansett Bay.

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Published: 2023
Page Count: 248