Long Distance

By ML Skochdopole
Regular price $9.00

Have you ever learned to know a homeless person closely? The author became good friends with a real-life Raggedy Man who did yard work for her and her family. When L.D. became too old to continue working, she was instrumental in finding him a safe, clean shelter where he could live out his remaining years in warmth and tranquility.

About the Author

Originally from South Dakota, ML Skochdopole has made her home in Omaha, Nebraska, for fifty years. She earned a bachelor of science degree in pharmacy from the University of Nebraska, and until her retirement, worked for the Safety and Health Council of Omaha. ML and her husband, Robert Allan Skochdopole, reared five children in this community, and her involvement with the community continues to this day. A life member of the Omaha Symphony Guild, she also belongs to the Art Guild and the Tuesday Book Club. These connections highlight her special interests: classical music, reading, antiques study, and gardening (perennials).

Published: 2005
Page Count: 74