Families Are Worth Saving
In America today, the institution of the family is in danger because of the devastations of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and the overcrowded jail system. These negative consequences can impact unfavorably on children. Ye fathers provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. (Eph. 6:4) Families Are Worth Saving, written by Ann Worthy, addresses issues on how families can escape this generational curse through religious teaching and acting on it. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:16). This program is based on the churchs interaction and the benefit families can obtain through these positive institutions. As indicated in Families Are Worth Saving, it is Mrs. Worthys belief that, if the problematic areas we addressed in a timely manner such as a good, God-fearing religious teaching church, these problems can be addressed and acted on.
About the Author
Ann Worthy worked as a habilitation specialist for the State of New York for twenty years before retiring. She lives in Menands, New York, and is widowed. She raised three children of her own and is presently raising three grandchildren after the tragic and untimely death of her daughter. She is all too familiar with the devastation caused by drugs and is determined to do what she can to combat this evil.
Published: 2004
Page Count: 32