Love's First Chapter

By Antoinette Muse
Regular price $14.00

People are flawed. Everyone knows that. But when Joelle and Xavier meet, they enter a cat and mouse game where each finds they need the other to prevent professional suicide.

Love’s First Chapter is about two people, who through commitment, courage, and compassion, allow themselves to be vulnerable and find love in the process of fixing their flaws. The author hopes readers remember that love can happen when we own or mistakes and mishaps and receive the blessings and benefits thereof. Life is what we make it.

About the Author

As a school counselor, Antoinette Muse’s days are spent giving back to her students. She is their biggest cheerleader as they are the next batch of dreamers. Muse’s hobbies include writing and reading books. She loves spending time with her family and going on adventures. Muse is also a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., a prestigious organization that is dedicated to serving mankind. She looks forward to entertaining her readers with further escapades from the Jamison family and friends.

Published: 2005
Page Count: 32