Abundant Love

By Albert Humphries
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About the Author

Over the course of five decades, Albert Humphries has carved out two vastly different but equally successful careers. He studied for two years at Queens College, Queens NY. Furthermore, he was employed as the telecommunications manager for the Bank of New York, One Wall Street, New York City. Upon retiring from the telecommunications field, the Georgia native, who had long been guided by a passion for music and the beauty of words, began an accomplished career as a songwriter, lyricist, and published poet. Hoping to be remembered by the inspiring and positive messages in his poetry, Mr. Humphries' remarkable journey has been a testament to never letting go of one's dreams.

In recognition of his vast output, Mr. Humphries has been honored with numerous accolades over the years. He received the Merit Award from the Talent Association in Boston in 1983, a Harmonious Award from the New York Professor Armature Song Jubilee in 1985, and was named one of the "Best New Poets'' by the American Poetry Association in 1986. He also earned a Cambridge Leadership Award from the American Biographical Institute in 1986, a Certificate of Merit from the International Biographical Center in 1987, and a Personalities of America Commemorative Certificate Award, a "5,000 Personalities of the World" Certificate, a Certificate for Inclusion in Personalities, and a Certificate for Community Leadership from the American Biographical Institute in 1987. Mr. Humphries was given a Men of Achievement Award from Cambridge and a Certificate of Creativity in Artistry from the National Library of Poetry in Washington, D.C., in addition to several Who's Who honors.

Looking toward the future, Mr. Humphries plans to continue writing poetry and eventually consolidating his extensive catalog to one book. When he isn't working, he enjoys playing the piano and guitar, chess, backgammon, going roller skating, and attending Broadway shows; but above all else, his favorite activity will always be corresponding with his daughter, Tisa Alana, for whom he has a profound love.

Published: 2005
Page Count: 32