Life's Inspirations
In this poetic testimonial of Rev. Jerome Banks deep and abiding faith in and love for Jesus Christ, "the Singing Preacher," as he is known, tells of his appreciation for the things God has done, shown, and given him in life with evocative and descriptive verse.
Through joyful and inspirational poems such as "Recipe for Life," "Testimony of Faith and Strength," and "The Best Friend I Know," he expresses his faith in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as he thanks the Holy Trinity for the miracles they have wrought in his life. He further exhorts us to put our faith in God and our hands in His in such poetic verses as "You Can't Miss What You Can't Measure," "Heaven," and "Up Against the Wall." With his free-flowing form, sweet words of adoration and appreciation, and joyful air, Rev. Jerome Banks celebrates his love for God and Life's Inspirations.
About the Author
A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Rev. Jerome Banks and his wife, Patricia, now make their home in Grayson, where he is a minister, singer, and writer as well as the founder of Peace of Mind Anointed Ministry. He has shared his Life's Inspirations because he has "always felt that writing and sharing would help someone to realize the strength they have within and expose it to the most rewarding extent."
Published: 2004
Page Count: 42