Life Lessons
Escape to a world where insightful expression and powerful inspiration can only be found. Dana A. Hamilton can take you there with Life Lessons, a beautiful masterpiece of self-advocated poetry that connects us because of its resonating themes, such as family relations, spirituality, love, loss, and hope. Ms. Hamilton's deep desire and passion to integrate faith, hope, n belief into her way of life and others through Life Lessons is prevalent throughout her rhythmic verses, as she shows us that although we may all struggle with life's ups and downs, there is hope for all of us.
Dana A. Hamilton lives in Canaga Park, California, and her interests include horses, theater, swimming, and other outdoor activities. Ms. Hamilton obtained her FCC first class license in 1980, and she was grandfathered when her license was renewed in 1984. She was inspired to write this book because she wanted to be able to write freely, sharing her feelings, hopes, and dreams. Life Lessons is her first published book.
Published: 2007
Page Count: 52