Diary Of A Break-Up: A Journey Of Healing Through Poetry

By Melinda McDonald
Regular price $13.00

About the Book

A break-up can be one of lifes most devastating experiences. It can leave you feeling pain, confusion, sorrow, and anger. Poet Melinda McDonald has experienced a traumatic break-up with a man who defined her life. He was her husband; she had fathered his children. Her world revolved around their home. The uprooting of her foundation left her questioning every aspect of her life, including her self-worth. She struggled as she picked up the pieces, redefined herself and her life, and moved on from the pain.

The poems of Diary of a Break-Up are an inspiration for all who have experienced loss and strive to emerge with a renewed sense of self and happiness.

About the Author

Melinda McDonald is a stay-at-home mother who has lived in Los Angeles, California, for her entire life. She attended a local community college and is divorced. In her spare time, Melinda enjoys traveling, triathlons, studying natural medicine, and spending time with her children, Hailey and Dylan. The writing of Diary of a Break-Up: A Journey of Healing through Poetry proved to be a very therapeutic experience for Melinda, as she learned that time really does heal all pain.

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Published: 2010
Page Count: 98