A Zest Of Inspirational Spiritual Poems
Gods love for his children is evident all around us and in us, if only we open our eyes and ears and hearts to it. Accomplished poet Felita G. McNeill has done so and put pen to paper to share her reflections through verse in A Zest of Inspirational Spiritual Poems. Through this thoughtful collection of word art, Ms. McNeill offers her own intimate and personal ruminations on her relationship with God, bolstered by her deep beliefs and faith in His compassion and the blessings which He has bestowed on her. In sharing with us the joy she feels at the glory of the Lord, Ms. McNeill has crafted a powerful collection of verse reminding us that we are loved, if only we allow ourselves to be.
About the Author
With a bachelors of science in nursing and a master of education degrees, Felita McNeill is actively pursuing her doctor of education degree, which she anticipates receiving in 2003. She is the President of Divine Inspirations and Christian Dance Inc. in St. Petersburg, Florida. Born in Tampa and raised in Tallahassee, Florida, she presently makes her home in St. Petersburg with her three children, and enjoys writing, ballet, and visual arts.
Published: 2003
Page Count: 32