God Called, Why Didn't You Answer?

By S. Lee McNamara
Regular price $10.00

Everyone has a path set forth by God to follow. Straying from this path can bring pain and torment. If we could stop for just a moment and let God take control, our lives would be full of love, prosperity, and good health. S. Lee McNamara has learned this lesson the hard way over the years. At every blessing in her life, she would grow conceitful and prideful, turning herself away from God. And that is when the roadblocks and potholes find their way onto her path. McNamara records her story, times of joy and times of immense heartbreak, so others may be inspired to stay on God’s path and earn a life of peace and happiness.

About the Author

S. Lee McNamara is a three-time cancer survivor. With her second cancer, she was told she would not live beyond six months and was placed on an experimental drug with 267 other global participants. She is the only one still alive today. Through God’s grace and love, she has been blessed with life and wonderful great-grandchildren and many “fur babies.”

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Published: 2023
Page Count: 78