Whisper A Daily Prayer: According To The Word Of God

By Sarah E. Tindal
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Sarah Tindal was led by the spirit of God to write a thirty-day prayer book during her devotional time. She would read a devotional message every morning, then write a prayer relating to what she read that day. As she began to write her prayer in a journal, God spoke to her heart to write a thirty-day prayer book, so she wrote a prayer every day for thirty days according to what the word of God says. What she hopes readers take away from her book is that prayer does not have to be a challenge or a difficult thing to do. Prayer is not about a lot of words that amount to nothing, but it’s simply your communication with God and when you communicate with him according to what He has placed in His word, He has to perform.

There are times when you need to spend quality time communicating with God, but for the most part, all you have to do is whisper a daily prayer to God and know that He hears you. God’s word says to pray without ceasing. This is how you get to that level, praying the most simple but significant prayer as it relates to your life on a daily basis. Then, according to God’s will (His Word) and according to your faith, it shall come to manifestation.

About the Author

Sarah E. Tindal was born April 28, 1967, in Rembert, South Carolina, to Elizabeth Clea and Sammie Sanders. She has been married to her husband (Murray Tindal Jr.) for 28 years, and through their union God blessed them with five beautiful children.

Through the course of her life, Sarah has attained her associate’s degree in Public Service/Early Care and Education and her bachelor’s degree in Human Services. She has served as a Guardian ad Litem (Court-Appointed Special Advocate) for abused and neglected children for the past seven years. It is her prayer to one day be able to provide a safe haven for the children she advocates for until they can be reunited with family or be adopted into a loving and nurturing home that they so deserve. She enjoys reading, watching a good movie, and spending time with her family. Sarah gives God, who is the author and the finisher of her faith, all the glory for this publication, because she believes that without Him, this would not be possible.

Published: 2020
Page Count: 40