Even In Death
Love Pursues Us
Even in Death: Loves Pursues Us is a spiritual journey into a meaningful way to get past the fear of death into a better understanding of love’s purposes. Death gives greater meaning to love and relationships and love can see through our fear-created masks. Love overcomes and lasts through death into eternity.
About the Author
Linda L. Baldwin has been a writer and reader all her life. Often, she would create her own world after or while reading a book and would go on a spiritual journey in her mind while she was still too young to know what a spiritual journey was. Once she imagined that her closet was a doorway to a forest with a huge mansion where she would meet, talk, and sup with friends or relatives. This was before C. S. Lewis wrote The Chronicles of Narnia. She never had trouble writing papers in high school, college, or in seminary where she earned a Master of Divinity.
When Baldwin became a minister of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA), her sermons were based on taking a spiritual journey in and out of each Biblical text. Her goal was to open new vistas of spiritual insights that people may not have considered before or thought that it was impossible to access.
Baldwin is the mother of two sons and a grandmother of five. While they live far away, they are close in her heart. She currently lives alone with a deep desire to finish writing all of her books.
Published: 2019
Page Count: 136