...And The Lie Goes On...

By D. Alex Kouassi
Regular price $12.00

… And the Lie Goes On … is about Christianity and the Christian God. What makes D. Alex Kouassi’s story interesting is that he is not an atheist. He believes in the existence of a supernatural power, a universal God, but unlike Christians, he does not claim to know about the God that he believes in except that He does not have a chosen people, is emotionless, and does not require offerings or worships. He has no plans for anyone but rewards everyone on a merit basis.

What makes author D. Alex Kouassi’s message relevant is that it is realistic and commensurate with the world we live in—today’s world, and not the world of 2000 years ago. This book is unique because it approaches the issue concerning the existence of God differently. It does not reject the existence of God but it makes the separation between God, the universal God, and the man-made god of Christianity.

Kouassi hopes to convey that everything that happens during the course of our lives is entirely our choice and not the will of some supernatural being. He hopes the reader can take away that instead of spending hours praying, the application of very simple rules can have tremendous impact.

About the Author

Author D. Alex Kouassi was born to a very poor family in Africa. He migrated to the U.S. for graduate studies and because of the political instability in his country, decided to stay in America. Kouassi is married with four children and now has three grandchildren as well. He loves people and has no difficulties starting conversations with strangers and learning about their stories as well.

Published: 2020
Page Count: 98

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Marta A Perez
And The Lie Goes On

When it comes to books I am very picky. This book however captured my attention. In many of the ways that the Author feels about certain things concerning God is exactly how I too about feel. I felt much for the author as he was lead to believe certain things relating to religion that were not true, I too lived through that. I recommend this book to anyone who has question or doubts about what to choose to believe whether is of god or spiritual beliefs. I was actually blown away. Great writing and work. I am glad the author came to his own beliefs and conclusion after he was an adult where he was able to think for himself and not carry the norm of family generation after generations beliefs. Thumbs up

Marta Perez
Lies Go On

This book is indeed an eye opener, well at least for me. I agree with so much of what the author wrote. I highly recommend this book to those who feel same way as author.