Against All Odds With Jesus Christ

By Quinn Bertrone Dodds, Sr.
Regular price $9.00

Growing up in a Baptist community and succeeding in a career in the federal prison system, Mr. Dodds becomes the object of peer discrimination with dangerous consequences. His subsequent struggle for survival and security triggers a long battle against the system through which only the Higher Power guides him.

With thorough documentation of the events surrounding his legal hurdles, Dodds cuts a path for those searching for their own personal justice.

All of the authors proceeds will be donated to Operation H.O.P.E.-Y. The mission of Helping Other People Especially-Yourself to build a shelter for the displaced who has no roof over their head to keep them warm and dry from the inclemency of the weather. To give them hope where it seems hopeless, to give them a sense of love and compassion in spite of their conditions and situations.

"He that has pity on the poor lendeth unto the Lord, and that which he hath given will he pay him again." -Proverbs 19:17

Jesus said "inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." -Matthew 25:40

About the Author

Currently residing in Arkansas, Mr. Dodds enjoys swimming, bowling, chess, and dominoes in addition to writing.

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Published: 2010
Page Count: 96