A Manual For Happiness: Vademecum For Eleonora And Tudora

By Dr. mult. Traute Wohlers- Scharf
Regular price $26.00

A Manual for Happiness is intended to show some insights—in words and pictures—into the basic connections between man and the universe. Essential truth can also be expressed simply and briefly. Images from the Stone Age to the present time, megalith monuments, cave drawings, paintings, graphic, collages, and ceramics are intended to show how one can live happily, if one follows the Hermetic laws of the universe.

These secrets, carved on the emerald tables of Hermes Trismegistos, are now being rediscovered and adapted to modern times. These divine secrets are culture-spanning and valid in all epochs of human history. Written as a Vademecum, a long since out-of-fashion literary style, is a handy, small-format guide and advisor for all possible situations in life for readers to follow and achieve an overall happy and spiritual fulfilling life.

About the Author

Dr. mult. Traute Wohlers- Scharf studied law and political science and classical archeology at the university of Vienna. Her international career started at UNDP (Dakar) and continued at UNIDO (Vienna), Asian Development Bank (Manila) and OECD (Paris). In addition, she was active as a psychotherapist (Symboldrama) in Vienna. Her previous publications comprise “Forschungsgeschichte von Ephesos” (Peter Lang Verlag), „Tarot- Der Weg nach innen“ (Rainbow Spirit Verlag), „Trilateral Cooperation“ (OECD, Paris) and „Dictionary of Development Economics” (Elsevier Verlag). Her hobbies include reading, writing, playing Bridge, painting, travelling, and recently also healthy cooking.

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Published: 2023
Page Count: 78