Capping Courage

By Judy Wright Brooks
Regular price $15.00

Capping Courage is a unique story that invites the reader to experience the life, joys, and hardships of Kort Olanna, a young Inuit boy who must take on the responsibility of supporting his family after his father’s untimely death. The bitter cold of the region and his sensitive, timid nature are a trying but motivating experience that help to change his fearfulness into a growing, courageous heart. That, along with the solving of a crime, creates a powerful message to children young and old.

About the Author

Judy Wright Brooks is a wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She has five children, thirty-three grandchildren, and (almost) twenty-seven greats! Most of her life was spent in Idaho where she raised her children on a farm. Through those years, she was involved as a 4-H leader, in church projects, and wrote instructional material for children. Brooks began teaching in the mid-1970s and continued for thirty-two years, having taught all grades. Painting, writing, and travel are favorite pastimes she loves to pursue. She gives her Aunt Laura credit for this story for, as a child, Brooks longed for her visits that would fill her with the interest of this far-off land… for she was an Inuit native.

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Published: 2022
Page Count: 86