I Am An Individual
Every person is unique, and every child is special. Deborah Jean Lane encourages each and every one of us to shout, I Am an Individual! She shows us that we are individuals no matter who we are and what we are doing. We are special no matter what race we are and what we believe. It doesnt matter what size we are or how we dress, we are unique. Combining illustrations with simple language, I Am an Individual celebrates the things that make us special but keep us united, a valuable lesson for every childand every parent.
About the Author
A native of San Diego, California, Deborah Jean Lane currently lives in Missouri, where she and her husband, Stanley, own and operate the Lane Angus Farm, while raising her younger son, Adam. A pianist, Ms. Lane enjoys writing lyrics and poetry, as well as photography, art, and Indian artifacts finds. Adams older brother, Anthony Bernardino, was born and raised in San Diego and still calls that California city his home. Her previous book, Fishing with Mom, is also available from Dorrance Publishing, Co., Inc.
Published: 2004
Page Count: 42