A Breath Of Ecology: Musings From A Retreat Center
In this collection of anecdotes about the beauty of Mother Nature, a religious sister and gardener marvels at the animals, plants and seasons around her, highlighting Gods handiwork and the precious nature of the planet.
A series of short musings encourages appreciation of the natural world, from tiny seedlings to grandiose evergreens, from small blackbirds to large alligators.
We experience amazement along with the author, as she works and relaxes on the grounds of her communitys retreat center and feels wonder at the summer sun, winter snow, spring blossoms and autumn leaves.
This uplifting, easy-to-read volume offers daily meditation on the gifts of the earth and what we can do to preserve and care for it.
About the Author
A native of New Orleans, Sister Joel Gubler O.P. is a member of the religious Order of Preachers, or Dominicans, and has been involved in various parochial school and parish ministries. Driven by a keen interest in ecological spirituality, she writes a weekly newspaper column on nature. She attributes her love of nature and concern for the planet's resources to her work as a camp director, a missionary in Mexico, and an organic farmer. She is the gardener at Rosaryville, one of her congregations retreat centers, in Ponchatoula, Louisiana.
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Published: 2014
Page Count: 158